Recent content by ANewChristian

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    Please pray ofr M1chaeL

    I think you're right. I just hope he will seek help. That is why I pray for him. I hope his downward spiral ends.
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    Feeling weak from anxiety and trust issues

    Listen Michael, I know you feel like you can't talk to anyone (or, you did at the time of posting thing), but you have to talk to someone. God, someone in the physical world, or online. If they push you away, seek someone else. If they push you away is it unlikely that it is because they are...
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    Please pray ofr M1chaeL

    He is a user of the teen forum and he is clearly going through some horrible things concerning is mental state. I request that you pray for him.
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    I will be praying for you, brother. I hope you are doing well. If you need to talk to someone...

    I will be praying for you, brother. I hope you are doing well. If you need to talk to someone, please do. I'm just about always open for a conversation.
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    I am a new Christian (as my name would suggest).

    Thank you, very much! God bless you, too! I am very glad that I invited Jesus in!
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    I am a new Christian (as my name would suggest).

    Thank you! There have been times where I have certainly become stagnant. Your suggestion is very helpful! : )
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    Is this a sin?

    I have done that in the past (before I became Christian), it is written that cross dressing is sinful, but also, from my own experience, it is also uncomfortable. It just feels wrong. Not good. I wouldn't recommend doing it for those two reasons. It may feel comfortable to you, but it still...
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    I am a new Christian (as my name would suggest).

    Thank you! I love the image. God bless you.
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    I am a new Christian (as my name would suggest).

    I look forward to using it! Thank you, very much! Thank you for the warm welcoming! I feel very blessed to have found this place. God bless you, all. To me, it just felt right. For years, Christianity has been the pillar to western civilization. Yes, there have been issues, but every...
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    That was a lovely poem. I loved it.
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    I am a new Christian (as my name would suggest).

    I am sixteen and male. I thought that I should start believing in something. Christianity seems to be the best thing to believe in during the time we're living in. I also just hope to be a better person as I realised that I haven't been a particularly great person (not horrible, but not as good...