Reactions received by ansbible

  • Absolutely
    Absolutely reacted Like to ansbible's post in the thread What is the NAU.
    If it were the case that no one can understand the Bible if he does not have the Holy Spirit in the sense of being saved and receiving...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to ansbible's post in the thread What is the NAU.
    You were physically born an unbeliever with a dead human spirit without that indwelling Spirit within you. Whereupon you received the...
  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Like to ansbible's post in the thread What is the NAU.
    Recall that languages change - meanings become archaic, new meanings to words are added albeit not applicable to the passages at hand in...
  • crossnote
    crossnote reacted Agree to ansbible's post in the thread What is the NAU.
    Yes I do. But revising one of the old standbys is not the same as all of these paraphrases that hardly pay any attention to context...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Winner to ansbible's post in the thread What is the NAU.
    Recall that languages change - meanings become archaic, new meanings to words are added albeit not applicable to the passages at hand in...