
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
Born and Raised
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
United States
New Mexico [USA]
Favorite Bible Verse
1 Corinthians 10:13, Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

First and foremost I want to thank God for blessing me with the abilities, to create, and design pieces that inspire and minister to the soul.
As an artist, I belive my purpose in this life, is to minister, and encourage children all over the world, that there is more to this life than what is given.
The past does not define who you are, but it is a path that has multiple forks, that can take you to either a good place or a bad place, the choice is within us all.
An artists life, is just as bright and colorful as the tools she has on her desk.
Each line that has been drawn on your canvas is represented by each event that has occured in your life, you have the straigh lines, curved lines, squiggly lines, and even dark rough lines, a lot of other lines that connect to one another to create a master design.
Every erase mark is the regret of the choices you made, that were not considered the best choice, but it was a choice made, and will forever be remembered.
The ink marks that are decided to take place, identify the memories you personally choose to make permanent, your pride, honor, and love for those lines become the most identified of all,
Every color you use shows the eclectic world you live in, and love, you take risks with colors as you would in life, and the risks either benefit you, or they become a mistake that you have to work around.
When you are finished, the final piece becomes your life that has been created, defined, and beautified by you, and every moment you experienced.
So step back, embrace your life, and admire the Canvas that has been set before you and