Reactions received by Believe30

  • Whispered
    Whispered reacted Friendly to Believe30's post in the thread Hi. Just Joined..
    Hi. I just joined today. I accepted Christ and was reborn again 3 years ago. I would like to fellowship and strengthen worship. I am in...
  • Liyen
    Liyen reacted Like to Believe30's post in the thread Luke 22:46.
    Hi Liyen, I read the verse you posted and it gave me some strength. Thank you.
  • blue_ladybug
    blue_ladybug reacted Friendly to Believe30's post in the thread Mental Illness.
    Hello, I am in recovery of being an ACOA. I have my daily struggles. I need help and inspiration. I am married to a spouse who does...
  • calibob
    calibob reacted Friendly to Believe30's post in the thread Mental Illness.
    Hello, I am in recovery of being an ACOA. I have my daily struggles. I need help and inspiration. I am married to a spouse who does...
  • Ecapofo
    Ecapofo reacted Friendly to Believe30's post in the thread Marriage.
    This is true. I do suffer from depression and anxiety. I have lessen my hours at work and taken one day off a week from5 to 4 days and...