Recent content by BenAvraham

  1. BenAvraham

    A look at Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

    Amen Brother Len, Yes, Yeshua is returning soon. There will be two witnesses during the tribulation period that will tell the world about Yeshua, One is Elijah, and the other might be Moses or Enoch. The world will have its chance to repent. By the way, where do you live? USA? I lived in...
  2. BenAvraham

    A look at Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

    Shalom Len, Yes, anything is possible with God. Yet God already knows the future even before it happens. He is not will that anyone should perish, but come to the knowledge of Yeshua. But there is hope for Israel, even in face of these coming wars, Messiah will come and rescue His people...
  3. BenAvraham

    A look at Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

    AMOS 9:7-15 Amos Ha Navi (Amos the Prophet) speaks through the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) saying that Yes, Adonai will seek out and punish Israel for their sins, and will search out the kingdoms of the earth where they are at, many will and have been destroyed because of their...
  4. BenAvraham

    Approaching a HOLY God! (Leviticus 16-18)

    PARASHA “Achrei Mot” (after the death) LEV 16:1-18:30; This Parashah speaks of the solemn Moed (appointed day) of Yom Kippur. The “Day of Redemption” is also known as the “Day of Coverings” (Yom HaKipurim). It was the only day of the year when the High Priest could enter into the...
  5. BenAvraham

    what does it mean to "Count the Omer?" (Leviticus 23:10-17)

    WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO "COUNT THE OMER?" (Leviticus 23:10-17) Many Christians probably are not familiar with these words; "counting of the Omer" However, when we read in Leviticus 23:10-17 the instructions from God, we can see symbolism in our Messiah Yeshua. So, grab your Bibles and...
  6. BenAvraham

    The First Night of Passover (A Reflection)

    EREV PESACH (First Night of Passover) Tonight is April 22nd, The First night of Passover. It must have been a night like this about 3500 years ago that thousands of lambs were sacrificed, and their blood placed on the doorposts of those houses. This was done per instructions via Moses...
  7. BenAvraham

    2 Kings 4:42-5:19 and Luke 17:11-17

    Amen, thank you for the pics, lovely
  8. BenAvraham

    2 Kings 4:42-5:19 and Luke 17:11-17

    2 KINGS 4:42-5:19 We read about “Naaman” the Syrian who was healed of his Tzara-at, whatever kind he had, He was healed, not because of anything he could pay Elisha, but because of what he did in OBEDIENCE and FAITH. He went and bathed in the River Jordan, when down 7 times, again, “7” is...
  9. BenAvraham

    A look at Leviticus 12:1-15:33 (on childbirth and skin diseases)

    Chapter 13 "Metzora" (from 2 words; Motzi-Ra meaning; One who speaks slander or evil against another. This section deals with "two kinds of “Tzara-at” skin diseases (all kinds, both major and minor) and “mold & mildew on clothing. In ancient times, the person with a skin disease had to be...
  10. BenAvraham

    A look at Leviticus 12:1-15:33 (on childbirth and skin diseases)

    PARASHOT: “Tazriah” Lev 12:1-13:59 (she bears seed) and “Metsora” Lev 14:1-15:33 (infected ones). This week we have a double Torah portion; “Tazriah” which talks about when a woman gives childbirth, and “Metsora” which talks about “Tzara-at” which most...
  11. BenAvraham

    2 Samuel 6:1-7!7 and Mark 14:1-72

    2 SAMUEL 6:1-7:17 We see another case of “good intentions” which ended up bad. The Aron Ha Kodesh (Ark of the Covenant) had been in the hands of the Philistines for some time, YHVH cursed them and caused them to return it to Israel. David received it with glory and honor, HOWEVER, He...
  12. BenAvraham

    "What is the "Eighth Day?" (Leviticus

    Yes indeed, thanks for your comment and support
  13. BenAvraham

    2 Samuel 6:1-7:17 and Mark 14:1-72

    2 SAMUEL 6:1-7:17 We see another case of “good intentions” which ended up bad. The Aron Ha Kodesh (Ark of the Covenant) had been in the hands of the Philistines for some time, YHVH cursed them and caused them to return it to Israel. David received it with glory and honor, HOWEVER, He...
  14. BenAvraham

    "What is the "Eighth Day?" (Leviticus

    "Study to show thyself approved a workman that needeth not be ashamed. rightfully dividing the WORD of Truth" .
  15. BenAvraham

    "What is the "Eighth Day?" (Leviticus

    Another thought is that perhaps Nadav and Abihu had too much to drink, that they might have been drunk when they offered the incense, that they were not in their right minds, with clouded reason, so the “incense offering became “profane” their “holiness” was marred, so, being a God of Holiness...