Reactions given by BenFTW

  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Friendly to CS1's post in the thread Remember your sins no more..
    Hebrews 8:12 "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” Jeremiah 31:34 34 And no longer shall each one...
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Friendly to your post on BenFTW's profile.
    Deuteronomy 33:12 And of Benjamin he said, Benjamin is the loved one of the Lord, he will be kept safe at all times; he will be covered...
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Friendly to shineyourlight's post on BenFTW's profile.
    BenFTW. It has been too long. How has life been treating ya?
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Friendly to SoulWeaver's post on BenFTW's profile.
    Love reading your insights on the forum. Just wanted to say that, nothing more :)
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Friendly to Lighthearted's media Puzzle_1547152930767.jpg.