Reactions given by Blake21

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    Blake21 reacted Like to Chester's post in the thread You are loved.
    One of the biggest reasons Christians wrestle with addictions, lust, pornography, workaholism, etc. is because they do not understand...
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    Blake21 reacted Like to notuptome's post in the thread Gospel or theology?.
    Do not desire to be like the preacher or a particular theologian. Desire to be like Jesus. We are admonished from scripture to be like...
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    Blake21 reacted Like to Lafftur's post in the thread You are loved.
    This is one of my many favorite "snuggle up close with God and hear Him say, "I love you" chapters from the Bible...... Isaiah 43:1-4...
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    Blake21 reacted Like to Lafftur's post in the thread You are loved.
    Love is definitely a choice. First Love......... so valuable, so worth holding on to......keep the fire burning, keep the marriage in...