Reactions received by Chaps

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to Chaps's post in the thread Baptism.
    One more thought on this…. The only thing that is “obvious” is what the Bible says about baptism and discipleship. Baptism is ALWAYS...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to Chaps's post in the thread Baptism.
    One more thought on this…. The only thing that is “obvious” is what the Bible says about baptism and discipleship. Baptism is ALWAYS...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to Chaps's post in the thread Baptism.
    Hey Cameron, I apologize if it came across wrong. I was just trying to respond to different ways people view prevenient grace (grace...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to Chaps's post in the thread Baptism.
    Thanks for your response. I promise I will get back to the “dead in sins” part, just been kinda busy. I think the issue here is our...
  • P
    PaulThomson reacted Agree to Chaps's post in the thread God and Time.
    Not sure I understand what you are saying. I agree we have a spirit, and God is Spirit. Thus, our spiritual beings would also be...
  • I
    Inquisitor reacted Agree to Chaps's post in the thread God and Time.
    I think that text is referring to our status as victors with Christ, and clearly not referring to our physical placement in the moment...
  • Pilgrimshope
    Pilgrimshope reacted Agree to Chaps's post in the thread God and Time.
    Well, I guess what I meant by that is that love is one of God’s attributes…along with omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, patience...
  • P
    PaulThomson reacted Agree to Chaps's post in the thread God and Time.
    They are all true. That is why I wouldn’t try to simplify who God is by lifting one statement above the others. That was the point I...
  • P
    You are responding, but not actually addressing any verse I have cited or addressed any of my examination of the context of the verses...