Reactions received by Chika_isaiah

  • stand2
    stand2 reacted Friendly to Chika_isaiah's post in the thread Prayer request.
    Please pray for me. I have been having not much peace for about a month. I sobered up stared to fast my breakfast for a week ago but no...
  • reacted Friendly to Chika_isaiah's post in the thread Prayer request.
    Please pray for me. I have been having not much peace for about a month. I sobered up stared to fast my breakfast for a week ago but no...
  • reacted Friendly to Chika_isaiah's post in the thread Prayer request.
    I have been longing for Christian counseling but it is not available here where I live - none Christian country. I know I am easily...
  • B
    BeALamp reacted Friendly to Chika_isaiah's post in the thread Prayer request.
    Please pray for me. I have been having not much peace for about a month. I sobered up stared to fast my breakfast for a week ago but no...