Reactions given by Chika_isaiah

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    Have you considered if you're having problems with so many people to look inward and consider what changes you may need to make, rather...
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    Chika_isaiah reacted Like to mar09's post in the thread Prayer request.
    You mentioned lack of sleep, wc can create havoc in our lives when uncorrected. I hope by this time you have more peace as you surrender...
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    Chika_isaiah reacted Like to BeALamp's post in the thread Prayer request.
    Becoming sober (with His Grace and Help) is a huge change for you. Your body needs healing; your mind will follow. Try to be patient...
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    Chika_isaiah reacted Like to BeALamp's post in the thread Prayer request.
    I think most of us fall prey to eating what feels good fast! Maybe try to always have something healthy and tasty around the home...