Recent content by DesertJoe

  1. DesertJoe


    Today is Sunday the 27th ofNovember, the first Sunday of the advent season. We as Christianscommemorate the birth of Christ this time of year, and as Christmasday approaches we remember the centuries the Jewish people waited forMessiah to come. It reminds us that as their hearts longed...
  2. DesertJoe


    Today is Sunday the 27th ofNovember, the first Sunday of the advent season. We as Christianscommemorate the birth of Christ this time of year, and as Christmasday approaches we remember the centuries the Jewish people waited forMessiah to come. It reminds us that as their hearts longed...
  3. DesertJoe

    A Tribute to Fairyfog who I deeply love on her homegoing

    Today, October 25th 2015 we celebrate the life of Elisa. Through the tears we shed atthe loss of this most beautiful and unique woman, it is hard to knowwhere to start. I met Elisa online in June of2014. She was coming asking for prayer for a friend. This was Elisa.Elisa was always...
  4. DesertJoe

    God's Church Bus

    God's Church Bus This message was something that I have had on my heart for many years.I never really sat down & put this into words before,but God said that this was the day to actually write this.If there is anything here that is...
  5. DesertJoe

    No Longer Left To Die

    I wrote this story today, inspired by a story related by Ed Wallace on KLIF 570 on Saturday morning, on his backside of American history. I am dedicating it first to the glory of God, and also to a young lady severely injured in the line of combat duty while on mission to save life in the...
  6. DesertJoe

    Veterans/Remembrance day

    My hope for every member and former member of the military and their families is that this Veterans/Remembrance day finds you well and not in harms way. For my very good friend who just made it home last week... sadly, the hard way, but still alive... thank you for all that you did. You are...
  7. DesertJoe

    Who Would I Lay My Life down For

    I know that this is a very dramatic topic. It is very hard to detach our inborn instinct at self preservation & our emotional responses & really look at this question rationally. We know that in John 15:13 it says "Greater love has no man than this,that he lays down his life for his...
  8. DesertJoe

    Remembering and Looking Forward

    God bless all the veterans out there. My dad was one of your band, and he passed away 33 years ago the week of Memorial day. I love and miss you dad. I am leaving this verse from Isaiah 2 for all of you veterans, which speaks of the time when Jesus will bring His peace, And this song, which...
  9. DesertJoe

    Bound On The Altar

    I was asked recently the question about why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on mount Moriah. I gave the usual very condensed textbook answer that most Evangelical Christians know. I said that God was not really testing the faith of Abraham as much as He was proving the faith of...
  10. DesertJoe

    Colossians 2:13-19

    13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[d] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And...
  11. DesertJoe


    I was talking with a friend today, & we were talking about being "normal". I remember saying once that in this life we must choose between sanity & normalcy. It came to me as we were talking that sanity isn't "being fixed". Sanity is knowing that we need Jesus. I am not saying to abandon any...
  12. DesertJoe

    Cutting Off Ears For Jesus

    Cutting Off Ears For Jesus John 18:10-11: 10Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The...
  13. DesertJoe


    God bless you all :) I am going to be taking a hiatus (a break) of indeterminate length from chat. I have a sister in law who is in terminal stage of cancer, and at this point does not yet know Jesus. Please pray for her and for me. I also am taking a break to listen to what God would say to me...
  14. DesertJoe

    Talitha Koum

    Mark 5: 35While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher any more?” 36Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” 37He did not let anyone...
  15. DesertJoe

    Excuse me. Are you Jesus?

    I was asked to teach a Sunday morning Bible study,filling in for the regular teacher yesterday.I was desperate to find a story to start the class with,& nothing seemed to fit.I had decided that I would keep looking,but would have to settle for something that was a "Square peg in a round hole"...