Recent content by DiscipleOfGod

  1. D

    Casting Crowns' Album "Only Jesus"

    If any of you viewing this post have heard about this album of the renowned Christian band Casting Crowns, I encourage you to check it out. Its lead single "Only Jesus" encompasses the spirit of this album, which is to exalt Jesus Christ above all. I especially enjoy "One Awkward Moment". This...
  2. D

    Be Slow to Anger

    Welcome to my page! In this post, I will talk about how anger will consume your happiness and forgiveness if you don't control it and how we should be slow to anger just as Christ is. With nothing else to mention, let's get into the post. Anger is the death of happiness and patience...
  3. D

    We Are Flawless Because Of Christ

    Welcome to my page! In this post, I will talk about how we are flawless in the sight of God because of Christ taking our place on the cross. With nothing else to mention, let's get into the post. I hate the fact that we are naive of so many things. We're naive of how sinful we are...
  4. D

    He Is With You

    Welcome to my page! In this post, I will talk about how Jesus Christ is with us through every event in our lives. With nothing else to mention, let's get into the post. When we trust God, He is with us. When we don't trust God, He is with us. When we forget God, He is with us. There...
  5. D

    None Are Too Sinful For Jesus

    Welcome to my page! In this post, I will talk about how none of us are too unrighteousness for Jesus to come into and radically change from the inside out. Without further adieu, let's get into the post. Humans are not forgiving people. We usually tend to demand for what we want on...
  6. D

    Take Advantage of the Change

    Welcome to my page! In this post, I will talk about how even though this world can make us sin even more with ever-changing technology and materialism, Christians should be taking advantage of the technology and materialism by using them to further God's kingdom more efficiently. Without further...