Reactions received by dlj57

  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Friendly to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    I agree I believe in The Ten Commandments and the observance of the true Sabbath. Blessings, Danny
  • GRACE_ambassador
    GRACE_ambassador reacted Friendly to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Did you copy this reply from website? You need to quote the source, otherwise your committing plagiarism. Plagiarism, presenting work...
    YWPMI reacted Friendly to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    (Col 2:16,17) He is talking to the Jews and believers telling them not to let non-believers judge then for keeping the commandments and...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Friendly to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    I am 66 years old, I retired at 57, I am a disabled veteran, been married to the same women for 35 years. been studying the Bible since...