Recent content by DRTB2

  1. D

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    A preacher was pulled over by a policeman for running a red light, and was discovered to be highly intixicated. “What you you have in that thermos there? Wine?” The cop asked, pointing to an open and empty container in the passenger seat. “No sir!!” The preacher insisted, “I swear to my...
  2. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    Adstar, I was raised Southern Baptist, but all I saw around me was corruption; and for my extremely desperate search to find God, I had a Catholic co-worker who introduced each to that religion. I really wanted wanted to be apart of the “one true religion” (eye-roll) so immersed myself in it...
  3. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    Adstar, In the few times we have exchanged communication, I have greatly admired how knowledgeable you are. I know that as human, we can never fully understand even a fraction of the things that God does; His ways are greater than ours. All that we can really go off of is the things we’ve...
  4. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    I get you Lynx! Thank you so much!
  5. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    Awesome Adstar! Thank you for your wisedom!
  6. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    I absolutely get that. If a piece of artwork is so horrible that no one will buy you blame the artwork itself for being bad...or the one who painted it?
  7. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    Lynx, Great analogy, and I get it; if we don’t take care of something the way that we are supposed to, and it breaks down, then we are to blame. I get that! How? Did YOU create sin? Did I? Did we mix a bunch of chemicals in a lab, call it sin, then release it to infect the world like a...
  8. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    Adstar! This is great! I love this communication! Would you agree that God knows us completely before we are born? That He knows everything about us, our strengths and weaknesses, and every move we will make before we even make it? If you do believe this, then it’s not difficult to believe...
  9. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    HUNGRY!!! WOW!!!! Such an amazing and true analogy! I have one too: Let’s say that for some reason I became envious of your success in life, so much to the point to where I wanted to cause you bodily harm. I go to your house and set it on fire, and as the flames rise I hear not only you...
  10. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    Thank you for your comments Adstar. God MADE man faulty...that is easy to see as you read Genesis. Satan did not lie to Eve. He told Eve the truth. He did not twist her arm but because of her flawed nature she ate of the fruit, and Adam ate of it for the same reason. The “knowledge of good...
  11. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    Hey noblenut! There is great wisdom in your response; but this comment is debatable. God is ALL-POWERFUL, and there is nothing that happens in our world which He does not allow...or else He would not be all-powerful. Evil is in our world, because He allows it to be. If He did not want it to...
  12. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    Deuteronomy, Of course I believe that God has the power to stop suffering if He so chose to; I feel that there are three possible reasons why he doesn’t though. One, He uses pain to teach us lessons or to push us towards action; as we (most normal people) are motivated by the avoidance of...
  13. D

    Could use some help soul searching!

    I was given a pretty strict Southern Baptist upbringing; but like many of my peers, seeing a great deal of corruption underneath the church’s persona of righteousness, really soured the experiences that I should have had. For a long while I was bitter, but eventually came to the conclusion that...
  14. D

    Hello to everyone!

    Hello; I’m D2. I was raised with a very strict Southern Baptist upbringing, and since leaving home, trying to find my way in the world I have been apart of many Christian-based denominations; thus Christianity is the basis of my beliefs. I absolutely believe that God is the one creator of...