Recent content by DuckDuckDoggie

  1. DuckDuckDoggie

    music choices

    I just wanted to know if anyone knows the song "A Bushel and a Peck" by Doris Day, I am 16 and adopted and i miss when I was younger and my Mimi would sing it to me.
  2. DuckDuckDoggie

    Oh yeah, I forgot to say hi

    Wow we are all forgetting, you forget to say hello and I forget to say "hello to you too"
  3. DuckDuckDoggie


    Thank you very much!
  4. DuckDuckDoggie

    Does Anybody Need Prayers?

    Hi I don't know if this really calls for prayer but I'm not in school this year I'm being homeschooled and there is a girl I really miss, not a girlfriend or anything not even a crush she's younger than me, to be honest she has some (well I dont want to say problems cause I love her the way she...
  5. DuckDuckDoggie

    Hello all.

    I am younger than you I'm 16 but I love talking to new people no matter the the age difference and your a mom would your kids like to talk on here I talk to others my age about Jesus all the time I could talk to them on here or on gmail whatever they want. Always keep your head up for God is above.
  6. DuckDuckDoggie


    Hi I had a question I saw in one of the threads that you posted a link and someone was being in my opinion rude and said somthing like wow a seven word answer you should be president or prime minister and then after you explained they " once again in my opinion insulted God" by critisising what...
  7. DuckDuckDoggie

    Advice for New Christian?

    thank you I have told her i am a Christian and she said she thinks that is nice but did not say she was one too
  8. DuckDuckDoggie

    Advice for New Christian?

    I'm 16 and am new to the girlfriend boyfriend thing i dont want to mess up and lose her any advise is welcome. Thank you, and God bless
  9. DuckDuckDoggie

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    Hell is real I my be 16 and your wondering how would he know but I know my mom was into summoning demons and I know this is weird but the board is real and as a boy I was terrified to talk about these things im 16 I just recently got over being scared of the dark but I still sleep with my head...
  10. DuckDuckDoggie


    Thank you my sister will be there too at least one of them. I appreciate the fact that you did not look at me as a kid who does not have a right to do this because I am young and don't know enough about God thank you for your support.
  11. DuckDuckDoggie


    I might be able to talk to my mom for the first time in 4 years
  12. DuckDuckDoggie


    I may be able to talk to my mom tonight for the fist time in 4 years.
  13. DuckDuckDoggie

    Hello new here

    I can understand you feeling all\one with your family like your kids against you I am adopted and if i had never been put in foster care I would never had become saved my mom would never approve of me being religious and although my mother never showed me love I don't want to let her down this...