Recent content by EricH

  1. E

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    Profound thoughts. Could God love each and every one of us as he loves himself? Could God love us more than he loves himself? Jesus died for us, could that mean Jesus loves us as he loves himself? The following is just a collection of words to challenge the mind to think. If you choose to...
  2. E

    "Weaponize the Old Testament"

    All the laws of God hang and depend on the two greatest commandments, to love God and neighbour. To love, pray for and to forgive our enemies.
  3. E

    Want To Be Used

    People don't care what we believe. Do we care what Muslims, Hindus or atheists believe? However, they are more interested if they know we care for them. If you journey with someone, help them and care about them, you can earn the right to share your beliefs. I have been a volunteer Street...
  4. E

    Ever wonder Why?….

    Thanks for the link. When it comes to things divine, our human words and understanding seem inadequate. I Absolutely agree with you, Jesus was not plan B. His death and resurrection were planned before creation began. If God was going to create us in the greatest good way possible, to love us as...
  5. E

    Ever wonder Why?….

    I see this as a kind of contingency plan made by God in advance. Had Adam and Eve loved and obeyed God, there would be no need for the sacrifice of our Lord. I believe it was God’s hope, that mankind could love and obey freely and willingly. God knew that if Adam and Eve could not be trusted...
  6. E

    Ever wonder Why?….

    What purpose can be so great, that God would create the universe, knowing his son would die? Here is a childlike and yet profound way to challenge the power of the greatest commandments; when looking for one single purpose that might impel God to create the universe and life. Before the...
  7. E

    Ever wonder Why?….

    Could it be, that the Father loves us in the same way he loves his son? That he loves us as he loves himself!
  8. E

    Ever wonder Why?….

    If Jesus died for us, does that mean he loves us as he loves himself?
  9. E

    Ever wonder Why?….

    Could God love each and every one of us as he loves himself? Could God love us more than he loves himself? Did the greatest commandments have a greatest meaning for God, before he gave them to us? Search for something greater.
  10. E

    Empaths Only Please

    We can't change the world, but we can help change the life of one person. If there is a homeless problem near you, then pray for them, then do something, be a part of the solution. Work for a homeless charity and make a difference. You will probably find that helping others, will probably help...
  11. E

    Pray for Trump

    Whilst Biden is in power, we should pray that he strives to do the will of our Lord. If Trump comes to power, we should make the same prayer for him too.
  12. E

    Questions for the mature older members...

    I vaguely remember when I was around fifty, going over the handlebars on my penny farthing bike. It didn’t hurt until I hit the ground and fractured my elbow. It does take longer to heal, but you get through it. Now I am 74, I have to ride a normal bike, I did a few fifty mile rides last year...
  13. E

    how do we treat someone who hurt us but have no remorse each time

    I believe to forgive is more for our own benefit, it helps us to be the knind and caring person we want to be. I believe I was unfairly sacked in 2011 from a job I had been doing for ten years. I never had a day of sick, I did a lot of jobs other people seemed afraid to do, caring for people...
  14. E

    Anyone battling anxiety/panic disorder?

    Totally agree with you, BUT...... You do have choices in how you respond to events that happen in your life. In 2011 I had tests done for cancer, about a month later the doctor phoned and said he urgently wanted to see me, it was non – Hodgkin Lymphoma. This was a name I recognised, our friend...
  15. E

    Trump's lawyer has lost his license to be a lawyer

    Whoa, steady on, it’s only 99% of lawyers that give the other one percent a bad name! Just kidding! You are probably right.