Recent content by Franc254

  1. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    :ROFL: nope I didn't summarise the between the lines
  2. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    Greek bible don't misinteprate verses sir Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. ei\ta ADV to; T-NSN tevlo?, N-NSN o&tan CONJ paradidw'/ V-PAS-3S th;n T-ASF basileivan N-ASF...
  3. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    That's why I told you you could not answer that.....the verse is very clear that the submission in this part is not like the submission Christians are told to submit to each other.... remember befire that part it says he put everything under his feet....or submitting everything under his
  4. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    If Jesus will give the kingdom back to the Father....why is he still a king after every thing is made new
  5. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    You never did....and you can't answer Corinthians without contradicting yourself but fine.... So Where will the father be when Jesus will be judging the world
  6. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    I know am not the only one who has read it but you know you cant explain it to support your doctrine because verses like Matthew 19:28 will be a stumbling block....again am not Unitarian man.... You can't explain that, you never could answer Timothy 6 ....
  7. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    Let me read the acts 13 verse and understand it.....then I'll comment....but first Corinthians 15
  8. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    So now let's go to Corinthians 15:24-29....tell us what is happening.....use the Bible alone....maybe don't use another source.... I believe that the wordings are not so complex
  9. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    You have not addressed the issue when God I have become your's not like a complex thing....ooh andam not a Unitarian or Socinian ....I find some of their teachings wrong.... Then go ahead and explain Mathew 19:28 , 1st Corinthians 15:24-29, Rev 22:3 and Rev...
  10. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    That's why I wrote earlier that the verse have to be read with other verse John 4:23-24 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must...
  11. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    basically i reject some because their arguments are not supported by scripture...for instance Paul used words he received from God or scripture i think ....but that doesnt mean that i cant use other works but they have to conform with scripture ....this vers should not contradict with this other...
  12. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    so why am clinging to this notion (DONT SKIP ANYTHING IN THIS NEXT PART YOU MAY LACK FLOW) 1st Corinthians 15: 24-28 After that the end will come, when he will turn the Kingdom over to God the Father, having destroyed every ruler and authority and power. 25 For Christ must reign until he...
  13. F

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    so no this does not prove that Jesus is God the son because you know why then you will be admitting that Jesus has his begginigs i.e the Son came after the Father and not eternal as people say....and the answer is in that Hebrews 1 still and psalms ...I will use psalms to help abit Psalms 2:7...