Recent content by Gena_rose

  1. G

    broken heart

    I strayed far away from God and I shouldn't really question why all of this is happening I feel like maybe or I believe this is all happening for everything I have done and hurt in my life I want to tell the whole story and hopefully get someone out there who has experienced the same thing and...
  2. G


    I need understanding. I feel like everything and myself is a mess. I just need some peace in my soul and spirit that everything is going to be okay.
  3. G


    Looking for someone to talk with and help improve my grammar . I feel like my vocabulary is limited and would really just like to talk with someone that could help me improve in my grammar?
  4. G

    God is faithful

    God hasn't abandoned you . Stay strong in affliction, breakthrough comes when you least expect it
  5. G


    prayers right now in my process to become a better woman. I have a strong desire to become a successful independent woman. I've had set backs which did not allow me to obtain a proper education throughout the years. just this month I enrolled into a online high schooling which would Allow me to...
  6. G


    Hello would anyone like to talk ?
  7. G


    I've been feeling very depressed lately but I'm not comfortable and scared to talk to anyone . which is why I've come here to ask for help , prayer, anything . I've lost sight of God and strayed away from Him and I don't know how to get back into His word while feeling like this . I'm so lost ...
  8. G

    Hurting soul....

    I've been feeling very depressed lately but I'm not comfortable and scared to talk to anyone . which is why I've come here to ask for help , prayer, anything . I've lost sight of God and strayed away from Him and I don't know how to get back into His word while feeling like this . I'm so...
  9. G


    hello. how is everyone doing ? :o
  10. G


    my father has never been in my life he left me and my mom after she got pregnant , he's always struggled with alcohol addiction but just a few years ago he stopped drinking and said that he had given his heart to God . now after hearing that, I became excited and was happy for him thinking that...
  11. G


    hey everyone