Reactions given by joaniemarie

  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I can’t see this. I long ago swore off cnn.
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Hahaha!! So funny! Somebody dies and let’s degrade and make jokes about him! Good job Christian!
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    There are untold numbers of those that mocked the unvaccinated, got the lethal injection, and died. Even this unrepentant homosexual...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Well heck. Of courses. If you don’t believe people should have freedom over their body, you sure don’t believe they should have...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Do facts like these mean anything to you?
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to sonshine's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    ANY respect I might have had for you from other post and threads is GONE.
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to sonshine's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    you are sharing what God used for comforting you as though it is for EVERYONE. Just because the Lord shares something or shows an...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to sonshine's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    He's saying that the same Holy Spirit that told one person NOT to get this vaccine is also telling him it's okay that he rushed out and...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to sonshine's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    looks to me like you were the one crying "oh boo-hoo-hoo! Someone called me out by name and I can't handle it so I reported them over...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    it was a joke supposedly it's disgusting even then
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    abortion = reproductive health to many on the left how do murderers like this get into office? I cannot say the words I would like to...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    They belong to their father the devil, who is the original liar.
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    dude there are entire mega churches who hear the same thing and it still AIN'T God oh yeah...two people tho
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    some folks responding in this thread are like those cement bumps in a parking lot designed to slow you down, but all they do is put...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to 1ofthem's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    People can seek a religious exemption for no other reason than they are opposed to vaccines and that taking the vaccine goes against...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to John146's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I would not be surprised if not a one of them have been vaccinated. Maybe a saline solution for the press.
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Of course they haven't, and neither has all of Washington...on both sides, REGARDLESS of what some say (even here)...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    apparently you do not
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    joaniemarie- I hope you took in the jglm teaching, he really brought out how the devil works to distract, worldly cares, health...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Agree to Sipsey's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Taken completely on its own, I would argue that article 11 does, in fact, establish that the United States is not a Christian...