Reactions received by Joshua_783

  • S
    Supergirl_101 reacted Like to Joshua_783's comment on Joshua_783's profile post
    I am enjoying the summer. I had a great Canada 🍁 Day on July 1st. I even went to a Stampede on Canada Day! I am looking forward to...
  • ezzeking
    ezzeking reacted Like to Joshua_783's post on JillianMarie's profile.
    Hi JillianMarie, How are you? :)
  • nteh
    nteh reacted Like to Joshua_783's post on TamLynn's profile.
    Hi TamLynn, How was your weekend? It was my big 40 today. 😃 It is nice to see the days get longer eh?!?
  • Ligje
    Ligje reacted Like to Joshua_783's comment on Joshua_783's profile post
    Aww that is nice you have those family members there! I know times can be challenging. I was born in 1983 and you? :)