Omegatime's latest activity

  • Omegatime
    Deuteronomy 29:29 says: The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our...
  • Omegatime
    Most don't see the danger that is lurking. Remember when the time comes that the man who will become the antichrist will make a covenant...
  • Omegatime
    I would like to re-post a comment I made in December of 2022. We must consider the rise of antisemitism when discussing the times, we’re...
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread End or close of the age.
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading the parable of the wheat and tares, I...
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread End or close of the age.
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, the Lord comes at the 7th Trump, what...
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread End or close of the age.
    Sorry. Gonna have to leave the thread for a while due to events in my apt building.
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread End or close of the age.
    ---------------------------------------------------------- Do you mean at end of the 7 year tribulation--having trouble following you??
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread End or close of the age.
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So you are a partial preterist Pilgrimshope??
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread End or close of the age.
    ---------------------------------------------------- Are you quoting--Only the Father knows??
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread End or close of the age.
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread End or close of the age.
    Let me clarify---if you were a pre-tribulation rapture believer how would you justify this as end of the age?? or any other view?
  • Omegatime
    39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels From Matthew 13:26-43...
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread God and Time.
    I see you have never studied time
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime replied to the thread Millennium.
    No more shall there be in it an infant that lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the child...
  • Omegatime
    Omegatime reacted Sad to Shilohsfoal's post in the thread Millennium.
    Nothing about a seven year tribulation in those verses. The christians in Israel are persecuted for 3.5 years before zech 14. Then God...