Recent content by Optimus

  1. Optimus

    Last person to post wins!!!

    I agree haha!
  2. Optimus

    Last person to post wins!!!

  3. Optimus

    Last person to post wins!!!

    This is a genius thread!
  4. Optimus

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Funny cuz they never said what will the last person "win" haha
  5. Optimus

    My theory of relativity:

    This is what is in my mind. When we go on and say that all things are relative, is to say such statement can be true and negative at the same time, for instance, if an individual and I, look at a same concatenation of events that occurred in a certain time and a certain place, then that...
  6. Optimus

    My motto in Life

    Seize life! Eat bread with gusto, Drink wine with a robust heart. Oh yes—God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Dress festively every morning. Don't skimp on colors and scarves. Relish life with the spouse you love Each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God's gift. It's all you...
  7. Optimus

    Bridge between Darwinian evolution and intelligent design?

    The conversation between Darwinian evolution and Intelligent Design are somewhat beautifully bridged in this text by Platinga: "When we say that an adaptation is the result of natural selection and "random" genetic mutations, we mean: (1) There is no physical mechanism (either inside organisms...