Recent content by Pudge

  1. P

    Why do bad things happen to good people and christians?

    i prayed for God to destroy me and the next day I got psychosis which developed into schizophrenia over the course of 3 years, still suffering to this day, I regret nothing
  2. P

    Is there any of you teens that will take a stand for jesus

    I'm willing to die for Jesus, I had nothing before Jesus and I was gunna kill myself, I could be dead right now, but I asked for forgiveness and Jesus forgave me, therefore I owe my life to Jesus and every breath I breathe is for him not myself, If God told me to kill myself I'd do it out of...
  3. P

    There's a CRACK IN YOUR ARMOR, Mental spiritual Attack

    I have psychosis/schizophrenia does that mean I'm demon possessed should I stop taking my meds and talk to an exorcist
  4. P

    Why am I depressed even though I'm a christian?

    I’ve asked this question to myself everyday for the last 3 years during a vicious battle with psychosis and schizophrenia where I believed I was like this because God was punishing me for a sin I committed and I was going to hell for it. I was terrified, I believed I’d lost my salvation, that...
  5. P


    Yeah lol, I have schizophrenia, But I continue to live because I have hope in God, that he has a plan and future for me.
  6. P

    Despair Over the Future

    Kinda lazy to give a response but in short I have all the same problems and stuff, and you need to see a psychiatrist because I recently found out it was all due to a mental health crisis I was having and none of it was spiritual, I have schizophrenia, even feeling far from God and how you...