Reactions given by Rbee

  • R
    Just a fair warning to new users here on Christian Chat. All posts in our forums are Google searchable and viewable by non-members...
  • R
    Rbee reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread Homosexuality = Wrong CHOICE.
    I'm not sure of the conclusions you have reached brother. God formed us in the womb. We can all agree on that. Although I believe we are...
  • R
    Rbee reacted Like to your post in the thread Homosexuality = Wrong CHOICE.
    Because we live in a fallen world, we are all essentially predisposed to sin- we are sinful in our very flesh, yes, but I mean we each...
  • R
    Rbee reacted Like to GOP's post in the thread Be Consistent..
    Nothing in this world can be compared to the joy of knowing God and walking in His covenant promises. Because we are His children, we...