Reactions received by RTTippett

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to RTTippett's post in the thread Hello!.
    I'm new to this forum, but I have been posting Biblical interpretations on various sites for years. What I see in Scripture never...
  • Magenta
    This past week, while reading Mark 11:1-11 [the Palm Sunday reading], I was led to realize a much deeper meaning for Bethphage being...
  • Magenta
    Some tidbits of info: Bethphage is thought to be the name of a town, but no one has ever been able to determine where that town was. In...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Happy to RTTippett's post in the thread Hello!.
    Bus Stop Bob is my pseudonym for a blog where I wrote sermons for an Episcopalian-esque bus stop. I followed their lectionary schedule...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Happy to RTTippett's post in the thread Hello!.
    Eternal life is like a box of mixed Scripture treats. :-)
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Happy to RTTippett's post in the thread Hello!.
    I'm new to this forum, but I have been posting Biblical interpretations on various sites for years. What I see in Scripture never...