Recent content by santuzza

  1. santuzza

    masonic temple

    I think I can shed a bit more light here. My husband and I own a Masonic Lodge (well, a FORMER Masonic Lodge). The lodge building itself was owned by the Masonic Association, but they gave us the building when they could no longer financially sustain it. In the building they have their temple...
  2. santuzza

    Pastors making egregious errors

    For the second time in just several weeks, I’ve heard two different pastors make the same egregious mistake while teaching/preaching. I’m not sure how to feel about it – I feel somewhat insulted by the bad theology, and at the same time I want to just stand up to defend the Word of God. Do I...
  3. santuzza

    Is This a Poll?

    I didn't answer because there was no option for "no." So, no, this isn't a poll. THIS is a poll [sic].
  4. santuzza

    Should I stay or should I go?

    I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that our pastor is leaving our church. The denomination has assigned a new pastor to the church, and the pastor is female. I had a feeling that would happen as this particular denomination seems to have an abundance of female pastors. I'm generally okay with...
  5. santuzza

    My pastor is leaving our church, and I'm sad...

    ...Which is ironic because we're SO different, especially doctrinally! I'm the music director at our church -- I'm super conservative. He's the pastor and pretty liberal. I'm 100% convinced the Bible is inerrant and Jesus was/is sinless. He thinks the Bible is mainly allegorical, not...
  6. santuzza

    The Rioters Win Again

    So, have you seen how rioters at UC Berkrley have shut down the free speech rights of a Breitbart editor? I'm getting tired of nothing happening to quell these rioters (disguised as protesters). Why aren't we seeing more arrests and people charged. This is unacceptable.
  7. santuzza

    The Main Ingredient for Church Growth -- interesting study!

    Turns out that the best recipe for church growth is solid, conservative theology. Who'da thunk?!The Main Ingredient for Church Growth | Stand to Reason
  8. santuzza

    The Redemption of Scrooge

    I serve as the Music Director of a United Methodist church. There are several things the United Methodists believe which I believe to be unbiblical, but I can, for the most part, look past them and generally enjoy leading worship there and playing the keys. However, now the pastor wants to do...
  9. santuzza

    2016's Month of Thankfulness

    It's November 1, so today I begin my annual "Month of Thankfulness." Each day, I promise to post one thing for which I am grateful. Won't you join me? Today, first and foremost, I am thankful for Jesus Christ who saved me, sinner that I am, and reconciled me to God the Father though His shed blood.
  10. santuzza

    Is Jesus our brother?

    A couple of weeks ago, my pastor gave a children's message in which he said that Jesus was our brother. His rationale for this was because Jesus is the Son of God and we are God's children, Jesus must be our brother. This seems a bit skewed to me. Jesus is my King, Jesus is my friend, Jesus is...
  11. santuzza

    Do you have pets?

    A dog (Chance) and a cat (Permelia):
  12. santuzza

    Agenda of the sexual revisionists

    Here is an excellent blog from The Gospel Coalition about the agenda of the revisionists regarding sexual expression. I believe it really his the nail on the head and we, as traditional Christians, must stand firm against this onslaught...
  13. santuzza

    Great Signs from Church anyone?

    Here's a photo of the sign!
  14. santuzza

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    Today, hubby and I removed some old, broken radiators from our building.
  15. santuzza

    WANTS versus NEEDS

    D'ya ever notice how God always gives you what you need and more often than not does not give you what you want? I'm so frustrated right now. And I know I'm being childish and selfish, but it seems like I can never have what I WANT. It's the story of my life. But, as Job learned, who am I to...