Recent content by SarahRachael

  1. SarahRachael

    I never thought I would be on a Christian chat site in 2020, no less in the middle of a...

    I never thought I would be on a Christian chat site in 2020, no less in the middle of a pandemic, to receive and see bullying.
  2. SarahRachael

    Can backsliders come back to God?

    I'm truly sorry to hear that
  3. SarahRachael

    Can backsliders come back to God?

    I'm truly sorry to hear that
  4. SarahRachael

    Can backsliders come back to God?

    Hi NOV25, Considering I posted and shared the video 20 minutes ago, and the video is 57:15 long, you obviously have not watched it, and yet are publicly "disagreeing" with it. If you watched it, you would see and recognize the pure truth to it. May God deal with the consequences, and you...
  5. SarahRachael

    Can backsliders come back to God?

    Hey Jay! If you're looking for clarity, comfort, and reassurance - give this a watch! It's nothing pure truth, and, simply put, it'll change your life! 😊
  6. SarahRachael

    What do you do?

    All that matters is that we trust the Potter (God), not the clay (us)! 😊
  7. SarahRachael

    Need help quick!

    Seek God's direction (meditate in His word & pray)! The Lord will give you the help you seek if you genuinely ask Him for it (whether it's the answers you want to hear/had in mind, or not). He knows you, He knows your husband, He knows your marriage, and He is the only one that truly knows the...
  8. SarahRachael

    Marriage advice please...

    Welcome, cka! I'm so sorry to hear you're going through all this, I can't even begin to imagine the weight this has on you. I never speak or give advice on anything I haven't personally been through myself, but want you to know I'm still here for you! All I can say (what seems to be what a...
  9. SarahRachael

    Saying "Oh my God" casually?

    Couldn't agree more!! (Sadly 😔)
  10. SarahRachael

    Saying "Oh my God" casually?

  11. SarahRachael

    Saying "Oh my God" casually?

    Well said, and thank you for contributing! 😄
  12. SarahRachael

    Saying "Oh my God" casually?

    Love this - and thank you for providing some scripture for us! 🙏🏼
  13. SarahRachael


    Aw, that's awesome, definitely would have been a wonderful fit! Also great to connect another INFJ! 😄
  14. SarahRachael

    Saying "Oh my God" casually?

    I get what you're saying - and I agree! It never remotely crosses my mind to think any negative or judgmental way towards anyone who says it, especially coming from those who don't believe in the weight of the word/name 'God' - I just mean, more in the sense true believers, who do know the...
  15. SarahRachael

    Saying "Oh my God" casually?

    Haha, and I guess that's why I resort to "Oh geez" or "Oh my goodness", etc, because it doesn't have any meaning - it is nothing! Whereas, especially believing and knowing God intimately - to use His Almighty, all powerful Name attached to such a casual statement, where typically it's said as...