Reactions given by Sketch

  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to Dino246's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    False. The Holy Spirit is God; He is not limited in the manner you describe. False; this has been refuted. False. This has been...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to bygrace's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    there is not GROAN or utterance that, God of the Bible does not know. Nor is your human undertanding limit God .
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to TabinRivCA's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    When Jan Crouch's father had passed to glory, she had arrived too late to see him off. She is the co-founder of TBN. Her father...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to bygrace's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    really ? I know for a fact University of Pennsylvania did one and the New York Times covered it,. University of Virginia. IN ADDTION...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to Waggles's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    Most untrue. Your unbelief. You are not understanding the scriptures you cite. Read the scriptures with honesty and these verses do not...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to presidente's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    Rational from whose perspective? If someone were to speak in tongues in Hottentot, the speaker does not know the language and no one in...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to bygrace's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    lol hypothesis hahahha dealing with secular humanist trying to understand The Holy Spirit from the limited ability of the human mind.
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to RickyZ's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    Jesus is walking the countryside, from town to town to town. Most have heard of Him, welcome Him, and He does miraculous things there...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to Dino246's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    You'll never see a verse that says that, because it has terrible grammar and wouldn't get past the first round of editing. You have...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to Waggles's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    That is why it is important to be in a Bible reading, Bible obedient Pentecostal Church that preaches and practices sound doctrine. We...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to presidente's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    You'll have to reconcile your misinterpretation of that verse with I Corinthians 1:7 So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to Dino246's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    You keep repeating this codswollop, yet you avoid supporting it from Scripture. Either back up your assertions with Scripture, or stop...
  • Sketch
    No it was a supernatural event. Comets and other heavenly bodies don't wander round and stop over peoples stables
  • Sketch
    Faith in Jesus Christ "implied in genuine repentance" (rather than water baptism) brings the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to Dino246's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    I'm not "evading" anything. Scripture does not state that "the perfect" is completed Scripture; therefore such a view is an...
  • Sketch
    However in the scripture you initially posted regarding the gentiles and peters “wake up call” not to call any thing that God makes...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to 88's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    +++Rediscover praying in Tongues if you have lapsed. Even a few minutes a day will help open your spirit, increase revelation in the...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to Dino246's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    There are several problems in the cited article... The author writes about the cessation of healing, which is not mentioned in 1...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    Fyi, Healing ceases when the person is made whole. Teaching ceases when the lessons have been learned. Preaching ceases when all who...
  • Sketch
    Sketch reacted Winner to JaumeJ's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    Since languages yet exist, tongues exist as a gift for prayer and more. The Holy Spirit is always with us, always just as alive as...