Recent content by Starflower7

  1. S

    How do I restore and renew my "first love" to God?

    Another thing I thought of...don't let your feelings of a special "glow" exclusively dictate your relationship with God. It's kind of like a marriage. Maybe you don't feel exactly the same as you did when your had that first romance, but if you are committed to spending time with God and seeking...
  2. S

    How do I restore and renew my "first love" to God?

    I would say ask God for a "heart to know" Him, and return to Him with your whole heart (Jeremiah 24:7). "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you, cleanse your hands, you sinners; purify your heart, you double-minded" (James 4:8) I don't know your situation, where you are in your walk...
  3. S

    What was Sunday/Saturday sermon about?

    I had a nice day at church on Saturday, and the pastor spoke on forgiveness and avoiding self-righteousness. He played a short clip of a recent news story where the brother of a man killed by a police woman (the one where she killed him in his own home, presumably by accident) was in court, and...
  4. S

    Hades / The Grave understanding was that the "twinkling of an eye" referred to us being changed into our immortal bodies (see the end of verse 51). However, I also think that when you die and fall "asleep," as it were, you would feel like it was just the "twinkling of an eye" that you were asleep before...
  5. S

    Hades / The Grave

    I think that's an interesting concept to explore, but after thinking about it and looking at the Bible verses related to death, I don't believe it works. For example, there are a variety of plain blanket statements in the Bible that make it clear that death is a sleep (John 11:11-14; Psalm...
  6. S

    Hades / The Grave

    I'm not really interested in tricks, just what the Bible says if you compare scripture with scripture...
  7. S

    Hades / The Grave

    I've never heard this theory before. How do you factor in the Bible verses about people sleeping unconsciously in the grave until Jesus' return? Psalm 115:17 The dead do not praise the Lord, Nor any who go down into silence. Psalm 6:5 For in death there is no remembrance of You; In the grave...
  8. S

    I’m a mess right now

    I believed I had committed the unpardonable sin at one time. Worst feeling ever--I felt like I was falling into a black hole, and I took my feelings as a confirmation that God had let me go and abandoned me forever. I thought I had rejected Him one time too many, and that my heart had become...
  9. S

    Hades / The Grave

    So you're saying that Jonah went to some underground place, or that he died while he was in the whale? Or am I misunderstanding? :unsure:
  10. S


    In Acts 20:7, the Jews considered each day to start in the evening at sunset, so it sounds like Paul's message began Saturday night (which was the beginning of the first day), and he would be traveling the next morning on Sunday (which he most likely wouldn't have done if he considered the day...
  11. S


    I agree, the church didn't maintain the 7th-day Sabbath after a period of time, and Emperor Constantine's edict in 321 AD made it clear that the "venerable day of the Sun" was regarded as the new day of worship (quote from Codex Justinianus, lib.3 tit. 12, 3). But where does Jesus (or any...
  12. S


    As far as I can see in the Bible, the 7th-day Sabbath is an everlasting part of God's law. It was created, blessed and sanctified by God at Creation, before there were Jews (Genesis 2:2, 3) God reestablished Sabbath as His holy day before Mt. Sinai, when He sent manna and told the Israelites...
  13. S

    If Perchance Catholicism Is Mistaken

    Supposing Rome's version of Christianity is mistaken? (This is only a hypothetical question; I'm not alleging Rome is mistaken.) The ramifications of that would be too awful to contemplate. It would mean that my deceased brother is right now, this very moment, in Hell regardless of the quality...
  14. S

    what are the rules one must follow on the sabbath?

    It makes me sad that there are so many harsh words going back and forth. I believe that the Sabbath is part of God's eternal law, established at Creation and included in Jesus' plea, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." (John 14:15). However, I'm not going to shout and beat on those who...