Recent content by Susanna

  1. Susanna

    Man or bear?

    If we stretch the pronunciation of “bear” a bit, maybe into “Lone Star”, I’d definitely go for the latter lol.
  2. Susanna

    Europe, the thread for Europeans and everything European (including ESC)

    Why’s not Texas part of the shenanigans in Europe? 😂
  3. Susanna

    Would you date yourself?

    Just think of the reflection in the mirror as an opposite of yourself and you’re good to go lol.
  4. Susanna

    "Where Do You See Yourself..."

    I’m pondering whether to settle down in the old family house in Galveston and be drinking Jim Bean, or find an island somewhere else where I can see the ocean and be looking for a nice coffin.
  5. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Which one of them is the non plus ultra cheat. Uhmmm…way hard to see.😳
  6. Susanna

    Neither Trump nor Biden are Popular, hmm

    It’s pretty critical when so many people won’t vote for either Trump nor Biden. Maybe we got our candidates all wrong?😂
  7. Susanna

    The hatred of Jews

    Furthermore it’s clear that the Jew hating part of our society is on a roll at the moment. It’s just like whatever atrocities the opponents of the Jews are committing it’s alright. It is not! For what it’s worth, we, the Christians, must stand up for them!
  8. Susanna

    Just for fun. Rarely Seen Old Cars That Were Once Common.

    There’s only one foreign car worth mentioning and that is the 1999 Mercedes 500 SL Convertible.🤗
  9. Susanna

    Neither Trump nor Biden are Popular, hmm

    Lol, I’m psychologically incapable of casting a vote. Why don’t we share an assistant that can help the both of us cast a vote?😂
  10. Susanna

    The hatred of Jews

    That is despicable. Do they not learn about anything these days in school?
  11. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    They sure wouldn’t, but for some reason there’s a pack of wolves saying they would.😂
  12. Susanna

    Speak Your Mind.

    You on your second cup yet?😂
  13. Susanna

    Christianity, is it to make Satans objectives easier?

    Apparently yes. I don’t get why people can’t see how all of this started.
  14. Susanna

    Christianity, is it to make Satans objectives easier?

    Is this thread an attack on Israel’s rightful response to the Hamas attack on innocent civilians?
  15. Susanna

    grilled cheese

    No, it doesn’t. It tastes like something which has been venturing through the swamp lands eating whatever and their cousins!😂