Tamarisk's latest activity

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    True, However I was pissed off and I can’t carry this mindset into the real world. It’s just not worth having political beliefs if they...
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    I made a mistake. You asked me for a apology and I have apologized. If this is your opinion then you are welcome to it. If I have...
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    As I stated, I am sorry for the accusation. I’m not going to form political opinions anymore. From now on I am not political and just...
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    Disregard as I have switched to a neutral position in order to protect my heart from being infected with hatred.
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    This is something that has been bubbling up in me for awhile. From this point forward I will be neutral on all things political. I just...
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    I’m just trying to be respectful of Christian Chat after all this isn’t our house.
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    Are you supportive of Trump and his campaign to consolidate powers?
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    When someone is in support of doing away with the separation of powers turning America into a one party dictatorship yes they have...
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    And by the way I think we hijacked this thread we should probably take this to a new thread. You can create it if you wish.
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    Then why are you supporting a candidate who is running on the platform of changing America into a one party dictatorship. Have you even...
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    What you’re advocating for cannot be accomplished in a two party system. You’re advocating for a one party system, with the majority...
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    You’re advocating for the minority ruling over the majority which will be impossible without exhibiting force. Something the majority...
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    This is for us as Christian’s to fallow yes. You are making the case to use physical force in order to make others do Gods will. Were in...
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    I don’t believe we are at that same point in history. Let’s face it we don’t live in a capitalist society anymore America is now a...
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    Tamarisk replied to the thread Attack on Moscow!.
    I believe killing babies is wrong absolutely. However the reality is that that the world doesn’t agree on whether or not it’s a life...