Recent content by TaniyahStark

  1. TaniyahStark

    Is it acceptable for Christians to have an unchristian job or career?

    By the way, are there any surgical technicians? I checked for training programs, and I really want to become one. Any tips for a learning beginner? Thanks!
  2. TaniyahStark

    Is it acceptable for Christians to have an unchristian job or career?

    Hey there! This is an interesting topic. In my opinion, being Christian doesn't necessarily dictate your profession. It's more about how you conduct yourself in any job or career. You can work in any field without compromising your faith if you maintain your values and integrity. It's about...
  3. TaniyahStark

    What is your opinion on video games?

    And hey, if CS:GO characters still hold a special place for you, there are some cool spots to buy skins csgo and appreciate them in a different light.
  4. TaniyahStark

    What is your opinion on video games?

    Video games can be a rabbit hole, and it's tough to find that balance. I went through a similar phase and decided to shift my focus to more creative outlets like drawing and making music. It's amazing how those activities not only entertain but also contribute to personal growth.
  5. TaniyahStark

    666 and 911 - Numbers buried in plain site

    666 and 911 certainly carry weighty symbolism for many. Your interpretation linking them to scripture and the Papacy is intriguing. It's fascinating how different perspectives shape our understanding. If you're curious about exploring deeper meanings, sites like
  6. TaniyahStark

    666 and 911 - Numbers buried in plain site

    It's been a very long time but, 666 and 911 certainly carry weighty symbolism for many. Your interpretation linking them to scripture and the Papacy is intriguing. It's fascinating how different perspectives shape our understanding.
  7. TaniyahStark

    Problem with Teaching 'Religion' is Bad.

    Speaking of connections, have you seen Christian Walls beautiful artwork? It's a visual way to celebrate faith and could resonate regardless of these evolving ideas about religion.
  8. TaniyahStark

    Problem with Teaching 'Religion' is Bad.

    It's interesting how the perspective on "religion" has shifted over time, especially within Christianity. The emphasis on a personal relationship over religious practices seems to have created confusion.
  9. TaniyahStark

    Prayer emergency to get a job

    If you need some extra support or resources, check out for potential job opportunities and helpful tips. Take a deep breath, stay positive, and keep pushing forward.
  10. TaniyahStark

    Prayer emergency to get a job

    I'm so sorry to hear about the tough time you're going through. Job searching can be a rollercoaster, but hang in there—you've got this! Sending positive vibes your way and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Remember, you're not alone in this journey.
  11. TaniyahStark

    Do People Over Share on Social Media?

    Hey there! Just wanted to chime in and share my thoughts on this. I think people can sometimes overshare on social media, and it's a tricky balance between sharing updates and respecting people's privacy. In your friend's case, it's definitely a private and emotional moment, and it's...