Recent content by TheMabeesBabee

  1. TheMabeesBabee

    Interested in becoming a Christian

    Hi and Good morning! (not sure when you will be reading this) I too just became Christian after being Wiccan, new age, etc etc. I tried everything. (truth seeker, is what I prefer to call my past because I was just looking for an answer to my question). As for Atheists I think it is such a...
  2. TheMabeesBabee

    Christian Woman looking for Friends

    Hi! New here (obvi!) My name is Kayla I am 27 years old and have newly come (back) to Christ for about 2 years now. My testimony is quite long and complicated (isn't every ones?!) so I will save you the time! I am looking to surround myself with like minded woman who are interested in genuine...