Reactions received by toofargone

  • Deade
    Deade reacted Informative to toofargone's post in the thread Reprobate mind???.
    So, here is what I did... I was lonely... for YEARS I lived alone, not mairreid, no kids, family was all out of state. This one lady in...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Informative to toofargone's post in the thread Reprobate mind???.
    How can he love me after what I did? I have such guilt, and brokeness for what I did. How can God want me back?? How?
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Informative to toofargone's post in the thread Reprobate mind???.
    My heart is filled with sorrow, deep remorse, and constant aguish and deep regret over my sin; the regret of what I had done fills me...