Recent content by victoriangent1961

  1. victoriangent1961

    What Really Annoys You About Others?

    Not every lady! Just the ones I tried to date for a period of time. Usually after a few months of spending time together, parting of the ways occurs.
  2. victoriangent1961

    What Really Annoys You About Others?

    I have always been one to respect people for who they are, and not their position in life. However, those who care about themselves only and have no respect for others, especially mature people, lose my respect quickly. Also annoying are those who do not walk the talk and also make empty...
  3. victoriangent1961

    What was your fave cartoon as a kid and why?

    Bugs Bunny & Loonie Toons. In a difficult home life as a child, these cartoons gave me encouragement to laugh. Last Saturday morning, I was watching Looney Tunes and I had forgotten how funny they were.
  4. victoriangent1961

    Date or court?

    In the OT, most marriages were arranged by parents. Except for in the case of Jacob, he had to work for 14 years to acquire the wife he wanted. I might have given up after the 1st month and moved on. I may be old school, but to me, a date is getting to a person by spending time over coffee or a...
  5. victoriangent1961

    Canada Encourages the Poor to Kill Themselves

    Euthanasia has always been a hot topic, even when I was in high school. If don't feel like living, go ahead and kill yourself with or without a doctor's help. More recently to include the mentally ill. Although Canadian commercials would say the opposite at the moment.
  6. victoriangent1961


    Some of us still have our Canadian accent even if not living in Canada. I live in NC, USA but all my family lives in southern Ontario (London).
  7. victoriangent1961

    Dating as a senior Christian?

    I myself have been having that struggle. Been in the dating world through various sites and never found the right one who shares the same level of faith and active in church ministry. Being in the low 60's myself, I found dating activity to equal a job search. I gave up and bean praying that the...
  8. victoriangent1961

    Just got out of an abusive relationship.

    I was in an abusive marriage for over 10 years. Didn't start out that way, but after 16 years I was seriously considering suicide as the only way out. My self esteem was gone and no passion for living life. I was warned that if I did not escape the marriage, the abuse may become physical. I left...
  9. victoriangent1961

    What Is Your Love Language ? 💛

    In case you are interested, Gary Chapman came out with an edition of the "5 Love Languages, Singles edition." Last copyright is 2017. Deals also with dating, friendships, work relationships and dealing with family. I am currently reading "5 Apology Languages" of which Gary Chapman co-wrote. My...
  10. victoriangent1961

    What is the source of your joy and entertainment?

    Worshipping and praying with others when the church doors open. While working, various praise and uplifting internet music streams.
  11. victoriangent1961

    Location roll call

    North Carolina, just north of Charlotte. Originally from south-western Ontario, Canada until 10.5 years ago.
  12. victoriangent1961

    Signs You're Single

    In my church, usually the amount of men and women are the same. Easy to count as the congregation is very small at the moment. In Wednesday night and prayer and bible study, usually more men than women. Where are the women? I fit all the qualifications to be hounded lol. There are none who...
  13. victoriangent1961

    Signs You're Single

    Last Christmas Eve, I visited a church for the 1st time where nobody knew me. I sat down on the end of a row with empty seats beside me. I was asked a number of times if my wife was sitting beside me. All I could say was, "No, these seats are not taken." Maybe I could have said, looking but not...
  14. victoriangent1961

    Explain your avatar and/or user name!

    Maybe I need to create an avator. Any suggestions? I choose my name as one of my many email addresses start that way. In manners and courtesy to ladies, I copy from men of the Victorian era on how they treated the ladies. I continue to open doors for ladies (despite the look from strong...
  15. victoriangent1961

    Are there any good Christian events / meet-ups in the US that are worth going to?

    Some areas are easier to find Christian single groups through Meetup. In my area, there are 3 groups within a hour driving. But I also discovered that a number of members in the Christian groups are part of other groups that are not titled "Christian." For example, age related social groups and...