Reactions received by zip2004

  • reacted Friendly to zip2004's post in the thread im new to this.
    hi! I'm new to site also...So glad there are new memebers here too.... I'm seeking support system here...:) how about you?
  • Deuteronomy
    Deuteronomy reacted Friendly to zip2004's post in the thread im new to this.
    hi! I'm new to site also...So glad there are new memebers here too.... I'm seeking support system here...:) how about you?
  • reacted Friendly to zip2004's post in the thread New here.
    Hi...New here....looks a great support team here...I'm going to let it all out here...I have a 14 year old son and his very difficult...
  • Deuteronomy
    Deuteronomy reacted Friendly to zip2004's post in the thread im new to this.
    HI! I'm from the USA...probably guess which state with my husband with his hat on lol and where are you from?
  • reacted Friendly to zip2004's post in the thread new here.
    Hi ....nice to meet you....I'm in the USA? and you?:)