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  1. SteveEpperson

    What's After "Hello?"

    A lot! Well, I hope that was informative. Go get em' tiger! :LOL: Just kidding. There are several ways to start a conversation with a woman that you should at least be aware of: 1. Informational flirting: After saying hello, you want to know more about her, so the best way is to ask...
  2. SteveEpperson

    An Example of Two Serious People in a Very Serious Relationship

    An Example of Two Serious People in a Very Serious Relationship John is an engineer at the ABC consulting firm. Although he's only been there for a year, he sees himself one day taking over the company and having at least 30 locations worldwide. Susan is the assistant HR manager at XYZ...
  3. SteveEpperson

    Mom and Dad, Check this out...

    Hey fellow parents, I don't normally browse the young adults forum because I am far from a young adult. But a post about smoking caught my eye this morning. Then, I read another one and another and another. Many of the posts have a common theme: The unrelenting attacks by Satan on our teenage...
  4. SteveEpperson

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    Before I reveal this little magic word, I need to preface it by explaining the different thought processes between men and women. Women think about several things at once, which can be construed as a major understatement. For example, you may see an attractive woman vacuuming her car at a car...
  5. SteveEpperson

    Is Starbucks a Good Place to Meet Single Women?

    Let's face it. The only reason to venture inside a Starbucks location is to get noticed. After all, how else can you explain why someone would pay three times as much for a mediocre cup of coffee? The other 85% of their die-hard fans who drink this stuff are the ones who sit for 20 minutes in...
  6. SteveEpperson

    How To keep Her From Dropping the "F-Bomb" on You

    Imagine you're on your second date with your dream woman, and things seem to be going well. The conversation is good, and the walk you are on is quiet and undisturbed. You decide to lean in for the first kiss, and she pulls away. "I'm sorry," she says. "I hope I haven't led you on, but I really...
  7. SteveEpperson

    What Should Happen On a First Date?

    Well, your pastor might look at this question and say, "NOT MUCH!" But, all kidding aside, it's best to look at the first date as not really a "date" at all, at least not in the traditional sense. When we say "date," it usually conjures images of the guy going to the woman's house to pick her...
  8. SteveEpperson

    The One God-Honoring Conversation Starter That Gets Results

    I took my 11-year-old son to breakfast this past Saturday at our favorite local restaurant. The young waitress who took our order wore a small but stunning silver cross that sparkled beautifully. I said, "That's a beautiful cross you are wearing. What's the story behind it?" "Oh, thanks. I...
  9. SteveEpperson

    Welcome to the Wonderful World of Rejection

    If you've read my last post, you will know that I am a big proponent of non-sexual flirting as a first step to getting a date with someone who interests you. Flirting can be a great way to start a conversation and show that person you are not only safe to be around, but you also can be...
  10. SteveEpperson

    Flirting is Not a Sin, If You Do It Right

    Have you ever sat in a restaurant and noticed a little kid staring at you from their mom and dad's table in the distance? Sometimes, they'll smile at you or play peek-a-boo by hiding their face and suddenly look back to see if you notice them. Simply put, they're flirting with you. They're not...
  11. SteveEpperson

    It Works Both Ways

    I had an assistant pastor recently ask me if I was interested in serving the church in some capacity. I said: "Yes, of course. Just text me at this number. Then, I'll send you a QR code to my website so you can fill out the contact form on the last page. Please list all available openings and...
  12. SteveEpperson

    Is being "unequally yoked" a reasonable excuse for a woman to leave her husband?

    I have two questions: 1. Is being "unequally yoked" (2 Cor. 6:14) from a non-Christian husband an excuse for a woman to leave him? Let's take it a step further: 2. If the husband professes Jesus as Lord and Savior, but does not measure up to the same level of spiritual maturity as the wife...
  13. SteveEpperson

    Are There ANY Movies or Shows on Disney Plus That ARE'NT Idoctrinating Our Kids?

    Hi. I Just subscribed to Disney Plus, so my preteen son and I can watch two shows: The Mandalorian and Obi-Wan. I know that most Christian parents are doing the opposite and canceling their subscriptions due to the attack on our kids by the LGBTQ mob. I get that, and I respect it. But I was...
  14. SteveEpperson

    How To Find a Spiritual Mentor in Your Church

    How To Find a Spiritual Mentor in Your Church Have you been looking for a spiritual mentor but hit a brick wall? This is how it finally happened for me. Hopefully, my experience will guide you to finding a mentor much quicker. Don't Let It Take So Long! It took me six years and lots of...
  15. SteveEpperson

    Easier Becoming a Member of a Biker Gang Than a Local Church

    Easier Becoming a Member of a Biker Gang Than a Local Church I don't own a motorcycle, but I'm pretty sure I could get into a local motorcycle club much easier than becoming a member of a local church. For most churches, the vetting process is insane. First, you have to sign up for a new...
  16. SteveEpperson

    I Hope Your Pastor Doesn't Preach This

    I heard a sermon today (Colossians 1:9-14) that was very well-organized and thoughtful. The pastor did a masterful job presenting it, and it centered on us moving in the direction of being like Jesus. Who could fault that? Prelude to the Sinner's Prayer My concern is what he said afterward. As...
  17. SteveEpperson

    The Perils of Exclusivity

    It's interesting how our Western society values exclusivity. Remember when your parents forbade you from doing something or going somewhere? All you could think about day after day was doing that one thing they wouldn't let you do -- that one place they wouldn't let you go. Isn't it sad how...
  18. SteveEpperson

    There's Only One Race

    There's only one race--the human race. God made Adam and Eve with an olive-colored shade to their skin. As people began to multiply, they became either lighter or darker depending on migration and other factors. Skin tone is not a race; it is simply a variation within one human race. The same...
  19. SteveEpperson

    Believer or Disciple? What's the Difference?

    While reading some bible commentary today, the writer presented an interesting viewpoint. He described the term "disciple" as being broader in scope than "believer." I have always thought of it as the other way around. Yet, from a historical, biblical viewpoint, I can see where he got this...
  20. SteveEpperson

    Earthly Enemies

    It's amazing how vicious and cold we can be as a people. Thank the Lord that he has remedied all that! Unfortunately, Satan is still coming after us, and he uses other people (even Christians) to do his dirty work. This is the case for me. I'm surrounded by my enemies. They've closed off all...