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    Whats the real reason many churches are dying or plateaued?

    I suspect church growth experts will say the reason for plateaued or declining churches is due to ineffective preaching or bad music in the worship or an unwillingness to change or all of the above. The reasons may not be limited to these. I suspect however there may be a different reason people...
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    How to spot a modern Pharisee

    How to spot a modern Pharisee You may be a modern Pharisee if you.... 1. Tout how spiritual you are in public. 2. Criticize others who are not in your clique. 3. Be a part of a clique. 4. Point out other peoples flaws. (You really should get that log out of your own eye first) 5. Gossip and...
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    I dont think Jesus would be welcome.

    Lately Ive come to the conclusion as to why Jesus spent time with 'lost' people rather than with the religious crowd. The lost crowd treated Him better than the religious crowd. The religious crowd was highly judgmental and spent their time having worthless debates. The 'lost' crowd showed more...