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  1. S

    What is the strong delusion of 2 Thessalonian 2:11,12s 2

    Can anyone speculate what the delusion that God sends and the lie that is believed is, quoted in this verse: "and for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie...that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
  2. S

    Do you believe that God may also be using secular artists?

    I have noticed among secular music artists- lyrics which are like warnings from God about Judgment. I think God is using everything to reach people before the end comes. This generation finds rap music very popular and so many of the masses follow this music which is very materialistic...
  3. S

    Why do Christians believe in a place of torment called Hell?

    I have always been close to God my entire life and the God I know does not plan to torment people who reject him for all eternity. I know what is taught and the scriptures that those who teach this use, can you tell me how a wonderful and loving God would torment forever. Putting something bad...