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  1. J

    Prayers for myself and in-laws spiritual healing

    I have asked for prayer requests in the past though I'd like to make this one special. At the moment, I'm having a hard time finding my way in life and I can't quite see the path to take. Everything seems complicated and my heart has really lost its way. I'm married, I love my wife and we'll be...
  2. J

    Prayers for acceptance

    I've been having quite a hard time lately connecting and accepting people. I've found myself becoming very pushy and fearful of the way people can be or afraid of what the people I love can become. I'm not too sure what I'm asking people to pray for, maybe that I can find the strength to trust...
  3. J

    My own work!

    Hey CCer's, I'm not used to posting my music about and I don't generally write lyrics but here is a song I wrote, its preformed using my (not so) fantastic computer Keyboard. I'm sort of not like 'known' or anything, I spend my days writing music on my own and generally am not too supported when...
  4. J

    To Find a Job

    I need to find a job and I know its tough out there, however, I'm sure I could find one if I just found the heart to do so. Life has been hard lately and it is even harder when living out on almost nothing at all. Recently I've been given no choice but to borrow money from my parents to solve my...