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  1. W

    what did you do this weekend?

    what did you all do this weekend? I saw my oldest son and his wife as they came to town. Don't get to see them often. My youngest son went along with me Saturday night but I had already visited earlier that day and by the time night rolled around I was pretty much talked out. Slept good and saw...
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    son moving out in a few months, so now what?

    The last of the kids is leaving soon which would leave me - unless I get a pet - without any other body in my house since I'm divorced. I was wondering how anybody else who has gone through that felt. Were they overjoyed or sad or what? In a way it's great that I'd have the whole house to...
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    trying to find a date? bah humbug

    Hard to find a date. I've had two since my divorce and one relationship out of that. Not many choices out there. Tried (plenty of fish) and and found one date out of it that lasted one day and that's it. I could tell she wasn't into me right away. I've sent plenty of...
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    Star Wars

    Just saw it today. Best one ever or at least pretty close. Actually left me emotionally drained.Wow Anybody else?
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    the bar scene

    Not eagerly considering my youngest son someday leaving the nest and my house being empty, I have considered different things to keep myself from being lonely. One was to visit a bar now and then just to be around people. Luckily I'm not a drinker and never would be and I seem to milk a drink...
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    go ahead, kill them all

    I found some recent articles online showing that secularists are willing to jump off the cliff - the more deaths the better. Here's one I found. Prof Argues For Newborn Euthanasia | The Daily Caller Particularly shocking is the comparison of newborns to animals.
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    theistic evolution - don't try this at home

    There’s young-earth creationists and there’s die hard evolutionists. Then there’s theistic evolutionists who try to have their cake and eat it too. They think you can believe in two contradictory things at once. I’ve read a bit of TE and I’ve come to the conclusion that you can’t and that in the...
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    do you get to an age where you just give up?

    As I meet people out socially and see other women, I'm wondering if people, at some point, don't really want someone of the opposite sex in their life romantically. Because they've been single so long and have their own ways of doing things that might be threatened by someone else being in their...
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    liberalism as a modern religious movement

    Having done an essay on the religious origins of belief in evolution, I suspected that same type of opinion of evolution would also apply generally to liberalism. I tabled that thought for a few years until it recently came back to me because of the general state of America and recent political...
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    Is anybody else watching Leah Remini's special on her leaving of Scientology? It's on Hulu. What do you think of it so far?
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    what to watch this fall on TV - how about The Orville

    Well it looks like I"m going to be sinking my teeth into some good shows this fall including The Flash when it starts up on the CW network. But one show I've started seeing on Fox is the Orville For those who are Star Trek fans, like me, you will immediately see the connection between The...
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    why liberals just kinda like Islam

    I, like other conservatives, have often wondered why some, but not all, liberals feel apologetic toward Islam. Despite the numerous Muslims that commit atrocities in the name of their beliefs, that Islam beliefs might be evil is never accepted and is always denied. It's just moderate Muslims...
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    Democrats party of special interests

    Why can't the Democrats win? I found video from Thomas Frank who says Democrats are no longer for the working class but special interests. I find this has a tint of truth. Remember Jonathan Gruber's comment that people are too stupid? Anyway video is at
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    did help you?

    In case you don't know, I am a member of - a site that advertises various groups you can belong to that meet up (hence the name of the site) at various locations whether a restaurant or movie theater or park or somebody's home. There are various ones including a divorce one, a social...
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    North Korea will soon nuke us, but, looking on the bright side

    will North Korea nuke us? dunno but if it does happen we might as well make the best of it. Here are some ways to look on the "brighter side" 1. gonna be a lot warmer this fall if that's when the bomb drops. heating bill should be at an all time low. 2. We can finally put this Trump-Russian...
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    how important is Facebook to your life?

    Just wondering on those of you who are single, how important is facebook to you? I don't use it a lot as far as posting daily but I do see stuff my f.b. friends post, so it's like reading the daily paper that does nothing but give me news about what is new in their life. And I also communicate...
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    the death of Europe

    through various means I ran into Douglas Murray's new book The Strange Death of Europe. What he means by "death" is the loss of Europe's unique culture in that the culture is now becoming something other than what it has traditionally been. I read only a portion of it on but...
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    euthanasia - it's all the rage - at least in Dutchland

    Was working on my next essay saying that liberalism is dangerous when it comes to life and death and came across this rather scary article about the embrace of the death ethic in Holland. Thoughts? Dying Dutch: Euthanasia Spreads Across Europe
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    the MGTOW movement

    has any body heard of this movement yet? I came across it while browsing youtube one day. If you search for MGTOW on youtube you will find it. However, be cautioned that you may encounter some disrespectful language toward women including one video I watched where the narrator called a woman...
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    California goes full in on single payer health care

    there's been some talk on the net about single payer health care where the government just covers everybody. However, I found two noteworthy "skeptical" articles on it. First from hotair at…/will-ca-dems-go-full-tilt-single-payer…/ and second from National Review at...