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  1. Galatians2-20

    Worthless, Dead Relgion vs. Vibrant, Living Relationship

    A vital question, of the upmost importance, that every self professing believer in Jesus Christ must ask ourselves on an individual basis is this; Do we actually know Jesus or do we simply know a lot about him? What is the difference and how does it affect our salvation, if at all? To understand...
  2. Galatians2-20

    Can you possess Christ's righteousness without daily relationship?

    Today, there are those within the "Church" who would lead you to believe that you can possess the righteousness of Christ (salvation) without walking in the presence of Christ (ongoing relationship). Such people could not be more wrong. Just as a bulb possesses no light of it's own apart from...
  3. Galatians2-20

    Are your future sins forgiven before you commit them? Hypergrace Error Exposed

    When Jesus died on the cross, He paid for every sin that you and I and the rest of the human race will ever commit, from Adam’s first sin until the very last sin that will be committed on this planet. But that doesn’t mean that God forgives our sins before we commit them. That is not taught...
  4. Galatians2-20

    Is Obedience Really "Works"? The Answer May Shock You!

    *NOTICE: Before you respond, please read the entire post. Near the end, there are two questions for those who oppose the perspective being presented. If you are incapable of or not willing to try to answer these questions in a respectful manner, do not even bother to post your negative...
  5. Galatians2-20

    Is Obedience Really "Works"? The Answer May Shock You!

    Recently, I engaged in a conversation with someone who believes that a person can remain righteous while commiting acts of unrighteousness. They went on to state that it is faith, not "works", which saves and that obedience to the Word of God is not required for salvation. I then presented the...
  6. Galatians2-20

    Are you really saved or do you just think you are? Exposing the lie of Easy Believism

    "Are you really saved or do you just think you are?" Exposing the lie of Easy Believism: Easy believism is bad doctrine that has become prevalent throughout many churches in the west. It is the reason why so many churches have willingly embraced the biblically defiant & unrepentant lgbt...
  7. Galatians2-20

    Are you really saved or do you just think you are? Exposing the lie of Easy Believism

    "Are you really saved or do you just think you are?" Exposing the lie of Easy Believism: Easy believism is bad doctrine that has become prevalent throughout many churches in the west. It is the reason why so many churches have willingly embraced the biblically defiant & unrepentant lgbt...
  8. Galatians2-20

    Understanding Righteousness: Can a Believer be Flawless while still seriously Flawed?

    The belief that Christians can be flawless (sinless) yet still be seriously flawed (sinful) is taught no where in scripture. In fact, scripture says quite the opposite: "For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is...
  9. Galatians2-20

    Baptists Now Beginning To Embrace Gay Unions & Gay Clergy

    A former Southern Baptist Church has decided all are welcomed in their pulpit, going so far as to ordain gay and transgender ministers. First Baptist of Greenville, South Carolina—the church home of the first Southern Baptist Convention president—has taken a bold move in "embracing the...
  10. Galatians2-20

    Baptists Now Beginning To Embrace Gay Unions & Gay Clergy

    A former Southern Baptist Church has decided all are welcomed in their pulpit, going so far as to ordain gay and transgender ministers. First Baptist of Greenville, South Carolina—the church home of the first Southern Baptist Convention president—has taken a bold move in "embracing the...
  11. Galatians2-20

    To the Godless American Church...

    #GodlessAmericanChurch The reason why the United States is on a downward spiral spiritually & morally is because the modern American Church, for the most part, has forgotten how to walk daily in the presence and personality of God. Most professing Christians believe that because they have -...
  12. Galatians2-20

    A Question For The Godless American Church

    #GodlessAmericanChurch The reason why the United States is on a downward spiral spiritually & morally is because the modern American Church, for the most part, has forgotten how to walk daily in the presence and personality of God. Most professing Christians believe that because they have -...
  13. Galatians2-20

    Yes, It's That Easy!

    Salvation occurs when the Spirit of Christ comes to make His home in us (Rom. 8:11). Sanctification occurs when we make our home in Him (Gal. 5:16). Grace is an open invitation. Faith is the key that opens the door. (Eph. 2:8) Will You Enter? "For this is the will of God, your...
  14. Galatians2-20

    Christ Our Refuge

    A parent can love their child, protect their child, feed their child, clothe their child, and provide shelter for their child but unless that child decides to reside with his or her parent, they can not reap the benefits of living with that parent. Salvation in Jesus Christ works exactly the...
  15. Galatians2-20

    Understanding Biblical Repentance

    Over the last deade or so, there has been a lot of confusion regarding repentance. One popular teaching, especially among those who seem to think that repentance is nothing more than the confession of sin, is that, since Christ bore the cross for the forgiveness of all sin, a believer no longer...
  16. Galatians2-20

    Abide In Christ!

    Salvation places us IN CHRIST. However, it is a matter of choice to abide there. For example, let's say you were drowning in rough seas. A captain of a nearby boat sees you struggling, rushes over, and pulls you out of the water. He then gives you a change of clothes and allows you stay in his...
  17. Galatians2-20

    Christ Our Salvation & Sanctification!

    Because a man can do nothing to save himself through self effort, both justification and sanctification rest firmly on one's position in Christ (Union With Christ): "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.." ~...
  18. Galatians2-20

    Christ Our Salvation & Sancitification

    Because a man can do nothing to save himself through self effort, both justification and sanctification rest firmly on one's position in Christ (Union With Christ): "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.." ~...
  19. Galatians2-20

    Is the Holy Spirit Too Weird for American Christianity?

    Is the Holy Spirit Too Weird for American Christianity? written by Jeff Kennedy If you’re a Christian and you have a pulse, then you’ve heard about the latest dustup between conservative Christianity and the modern charismatic movement. In his most recent book, Strange Fire, noted cessationist...
  20. Galatians2-20

    Why do some denominations like to point the finger of accusation at others?

    Many Christian denominations love to point fingers at others in an attempt to avoid self reflection which exposes their own sinful state.