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  1. DaveWatchman

    Signs/news that the end of the present world order is nearing its end.

    For me it's YOUTUBE, I haven't read the National Enquirer since i was a kid. That would be like getting the news from dusty old Josephus. A bit on the stale side. Try this one:
  2. DaveWatchman

    Signs/news that the end of the present world order is nearing its end.

    According to how i understand it, the 42 months of Revelation 13 began in the summer of 2015. The man of sin took his seat and we are living in the days of the Abomination where the saints will be given into it's hand. "Reports of faithful being hung on crosses over a fire and others being...
  3. DaveWatchman

    Signs/news that the end of the present world order is nearing its end.

    I was looking for your other note on the housetop thread that looked pretty good about Luke 17 replacing the abomination with the "days of Lot" but found this one instead. So i think the 42 months of Revelation 13 have already began in 2015 but most people didn't notice it. The falling away, the...
  4. DaveWatchman

    The end of the world is coming. What should we be looking for?

    What do you mean by: "are we looking at something different in order to exempt ourselves? I think you did fine listing the signs, I think the signs are given. If we're lucky we might get a strange little global earthquake. I think the AofD is the most important indicator, and it's here too...
  5. DaveWatchman

    For Signs.....1st on the List

    That's funny. I don't usually use that "all lathered up" phrase. lather A lather is the froth soaps and detergents produce. Lathering also means to soap yourself up, and a...
  6. DaveWatchman

    Seal up vision and prophecy

    "Holy City" during the Seventy weeks is Jerusalem. "Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven 'sevens,' Seven"sevens" are 49 years. The Company for the Reconstruction and...