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  1. Sanjeeth

    God is Love
  2. Sanjeeth

    Science vs God: Bryan Enderle at TEDxUCDavis
  3. Sanjeeth

    Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? | Paul Chamberlian, PhD
  4. Sanjeeth

    Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? | Paul Chamberlian, PhD

  5. Sanjeeth

    For Broken Hearts

    when we are broken hearted do not lose your hope, God have promised us even though outwardly we are broken hearted but inwardly God renews us day by day 2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. When...
  6. Sanjeeth

    Be within Christ when we suffer !

    God can't see our face because we are sinners but when we are in Christ, God sees Christ and remembers what pure hearted Christ did for us in Calvary Cross and God will see us in Christ and changes us to be perfect through out our life, once we are perfect God will take us with him within...
  7. Sanjeeth

    Have you asked God where are you ?

    Sometime we might ask where are you God, but God is always there...when Adam and Eve sinned they went and hide away from God, and God asks them were they are since they are far away from God through sin. When we ask God where he is, God asks us back where we are , are we close to God or far away...
  8. Sanjeeth

    Question: "Why does God allow the innocent to suffer?"

    Question: "Why does God allow the innocent to suffer?" Answer: In answering this question, the first thing to consider is whether such a thing as “the innocent” even exists. According to the Bible, “the heart is wicked and deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9), and “all have sinned...
  9. Sanjeeth

    Why there is suffering in world ?

    Why suffering occurs in world ? Suffering occurs since our first parents Adam and Eve have disobeyed God and sinned. We all are seeds of Adam and Eve, so sin and suffering follow us through generation after generation. This world is ruled by Satan. Satan comes to steal, to deceive and to...