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  1. Aephus


    Hey everyone, Just requesting prayer, I'm having a little bit of a mental meltdown. I'm sure where I'm at is of my own doing. Thank you
  2. Aephus

    Flood Question

    This isn’t really an important question, just something I was thinking about while reading through. ”And the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered. The waters prevailed above the mountains, covering them fifteen cubits deep.“...
  3. Aephus

    My Epic - Lower Still

  4. Aephus

    Starting again

    Hey everyone 🙂 I’ve been going through a bit of a rough patch. It’s definitely my fault. I haven’t been prioritizing my relationship with God and just have been very ‘bleh’, even to the point where I have a hard time being around my church family. I have a hard time connecting due to this, and...
  5. Aephus

    Wisdom & Strength & Courage

    Hey everyone I could really use some prayer for wisdom, strength and courage. I’ve been placed in positions of leadership in my life many times and often feel disqualified because of a lack in these three areas. The big one is courage. I recognize these qualities are essential as a man, I just...
  6. Aephus

    Losing grip

    I’m not certain how I got here, but I feel that I’m losing it. I have difficulty connecting with God right now and overall feel a general apathy toward spiritual things. I’ve been working on getting back in the habit of being in the Bible and praying in hopes that will help. I’ve been very...
  7. Aephus

    Confessing Sin

    Confessing my trespasses One thing that is really on my mind and heart is my current living situation. We’re in violation of our lease. We opened our home to someone about 6 months ago and we’re not supposed to have anyone stay longer than a week without approval. We never sent in for approval...
  8. Aephus

    Who am I?

    Short version: I don’t see evidence of me bearing fruit of the Spirit. I am irritable and selfish most days. I need prayer & help getting back on track. Long version: Back in December of 2021, I was diagnosed with MS. During the whole hospital stay, the diagnosis, and even after, God really...
  9. Aephus

    Heart Revealed

    Hey everyone, If too long to read, I am requesting prayer as recently God has shown me some dark things that are in me that I don't like, one major thing being that I can get very judgmental and closed off/hold things against people rather than walking in love. :( I was recently diagnosed with...
  10. Aephus

    The rise and fall of Chad

    Hey everyone, I am asking for prayer today. I’m having trouble with being consistent in my relationship with God. I’ve noticed a pattern of, I’ll be doing well and seeking God, then I’ll get back to not really seeking him or just kinda doing my own thing for a while. Recently I had the best...
  11. Aephus

    Requesting prayer

    Hey everyone. I’ve been going through some difficulty and have been having a hard time getting back on track with my relationship with God. I’ve seen Him move in many ways in my life, and He’s helped me overcome many things, but I still wander away and rebel and do my own thing versus what God...
  12. Aephus

    Relationally Challenged

    Hey everyone! There’s a gal at church I’m interested in. Should I go for it? I don’t know her to well personally, but I have talked with her a little bit here and there. What I do know about her is she’s really smart, fairly quiet, but wise and kind. She seems to be a real catch! One time I...
  13. Aephus

    Heartbroken Friend

    Hey everyone, I would like to ask if you could pray for my friend Will. He recently started talking to a gal and they hit it off pretty well. They’re both fairly involved in their respective churches and on the same page with a lot of things. Feelings developed fast for him and things were...
  14. Aephus

    Be careful little mouth what you say

    Hey everyone. How do you deal with gossip/slander/backbiting coming from someone else? Like, say for example you’re talking to someone and they start to or say you’re at work in a group for a task with two other people and they start to talk bad about a client or customer. How do you...
  15. Aephus

    Favor or Fault?

    Hey everyone. I have a question. I went to a place recently and purchased a beverage and upon checking my receipt, I found they had given me a 10% discount which made me feel conflicted. How would you respond in the situation? Would you chalk it up as favor? Or would you talk to them about...
  16. Aephus

    Broken and hurting

    Long story short, I was engaged last year to the love of my life. Unfortunately we weren’t doing too well together for a time, there were things we were both working through, and ended up splitting apart. I’ve hung out with her recently, as we go to the same church, and I’ve started to develop...
  17. Aephus

    Off track

    Hey everyone, I’m having a hard time overall and I believe it is due to disobedience/lack of intimacy with God. Please pray that He will help me get back on track. There’s more minor things, but I believe the root is here. Thank you all.
  18. Aephus


    These vines, they intertwine For I nourish you, and you nourish me And this is how it is meant to be Us, two, have become one We can no longer tell where one ends and the other begins. And I love you, for you are me, and I am you; I am yours, and you are mine. Attached to the True Vine...
  19. Aephus

    Trials of a Pastor

    Hey everyone, could you please pray for my pastor? He’s going through a very difficult season but God is definitely moving through it. Thank you
  20. Aephus

    Ready to mingle

    Hey everyone! I was trying to put something clever for the title, though this has nothing to do with dating (but probably has its application). Basically, I’m at a place where I want to be better at forming relationships with others, being more social and such. I’ve been very much a keep to...