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  1. specialtogod

    So much more about Jesus not written has the lost books of the bible there is some really good stuff there
  2. specialtogod

    on computers

    this site use to be free but now they make you pay for it i bought a computer to watch free entertainment and the computer is not cheap i thought if i got a computer i could watch anything i wanted to watch free but no it makes us pay to watch videos which is not fair
  3. specialtogod

    on computers

    i mean its not enough free videos on there
  4. specialtogod

    on computers

  5. specialtogod

    on computers

    i hate my computer its not enough anime and cartoons on there
  6. specialtogod

    What are you listening to?

    let go and let god
  7. specialtogod

    relation ship with god

    i want prayer for my relation ship to be strong in god
  8. specialtogod

    The Existence Of Evil

    i wanna know why human trafficking exsit its horriable
  9. specialtogod

    Would you play this video game?

    looks cool
  10. specialtogod

    What is the scariest dream you've ever had?

    swimming with megalodon and almost getting eaten by one
  11. specialtogod

    New song about jesus Love

    what is she saying
  12. specialtogod

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    the only video game i play is mario and mortal kombat but some one stole my game and i dont have money to buy another one
  13. specialtogod

    do demons cause sleep paralysis?

    do yall know if these are demons or not
  14. specialtogod

    Delete Facebook?

    i like facebook but the games on that site suck
  15. specialtogod

    How many here have honestly walked away from God at some point?

    i have but i am still believing in god the other night i had a dream my room was filled with angels and a angel was was showing me hell on the computer that was a pretty scary dream
  16. specialtogod

    a good bible fiction

    it christian fiction some people like it
  17. specialtogod

    When are we saved ?

    i had a dream where i was trying to get people in to heaven and a demon appeared to me and said why your trying to save them your not even saved yourself then he paused for a moment and said oh yes you are and that is what i go on