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  1. Mishah

    Klonopin withdrawal

    Please, pray for me...I don't know what to do...I interrupted my taper for now...maybe I was progressing too fast and got a horrifying anxiety...
  2. Mishah

    Please, please pray

    Pray for me, I'm going through a benzo withdrawal. I'm just too tired to suffer. I've been deppressed on benzos for 10 years and I found out they caused my I'm tapering. God will bless you many times if you pray for me. I need you so much.
  3. Mishah

    Depressed friend

    I need someone to join me in prayer for my friend S. whom I love a lot and who mostly ignores me 'cause he perhaps has no power to talk to me. I just wish he felt peace and relief from his illness. Thank you. God bless you!
  4. Mishah

    Prayer for my friend

    Please, say a short prayer for my friend Sh. I fear for him 'cause he is depressed too...he is not religious. It's surely harder for him to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's obvious his condition is serious. I don't want anything to happen to him. I do pray a lot for him myself. The...
  5. Mishah


    Hello, please, pray for me to be freed from depression and anxiety. I need also to pray more by myself, perhaps. Thank you, nice day. God bless you!
  6. Mishah


    Hi, I'm Mishah, a long time depression sufferer and will probably 'annoy' you with prayer requests:) English isn't my first language, so thank you for your understanding in advance. God bless you all!