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  1. J

    Hanz Zimmer

    On Pandora Sound effects of a movie “This is going to hurt” City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
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    Beauty Charcoal

    Yo ladies, that beauty charcoal for whitening teeth really keeps my mouth shut. Lol
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    Say something Random

    I’m gonna color code my apps. 💕
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    My dad cries desperately it hurts his throat he is under depression.
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    Yo admin

    Can you make a different title for the people trying wine? Like hey he brewed good. Sort of type of stuff. Just a suggest. Love and hearts.
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    We ran

    Out of Cal-c-tose. I can’t be sweet to you guys. Ne more. Lol.
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    We pray for our companions in life's pilgrimage. Help us to hearten them with our courage, cheer them with our love, and bear their burdens so far as we may. For ourselves may we find in Jesus the Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. AMEN.
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    I suggest...

    I suggest we start a 12-step program thread for all those affected by alcohol.
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    All day loaded :/

    Morning: loaded full cup of decaf Sunrise: 1 small gatorade Noon: coca cola full cup no ice Afternoon: full cup tea with one tbsp. real honey Evening: one glass of milk with 2 tbsp. Chocolate mix. Techniques of therapy.
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    Why black?

    My bathroom has pure black towels and rugs because someone died and it’s almost year. My dog thought I was pursuing her death as if anticipating but no, it was for someone else plus there are lots of memories in there. Its all going down now.
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    Cc thankyou

    The sink got finally fixed yesterday. Testimony that I prayed and it got taken care of.
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    Bossy Landlord

    My friend’s landlord is so bossy she is very nosy and has tons of stigma towards my friend. She always steps on her shoes and does not let her be herself. I can see why my friend is the way she is but her landlord does not respect her at all so if i was my friend I would have the same life she...