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  1. T

    Lonely and sad.....Need good christian friends.

    No , Bless you , thats not what im saying . What i mean is simply find out Who The Lord Jesus is and Exactly what He has done for you. I believe it will make All the difference for you. Truly . Here are afew Scriptures for you to meditate on 1 Timothy 3v16 Colossians 2v9 Colossians 1v19...
  2. T

    Lonely and sad.....Need good christian friends.

    I would like to encourage you and tell you to Live in His Word , His Word is Everything , it Absolutely is , And it is for All the right reasons Matthew 4v4 says " man shall not live by bread alone ........ etc " , You see our Lord wants His children to know and to know and to know that if we...
  3. T

    Blain's Testimony

    Please let me be the first(on earth) to say you have an Amazing Testimony, as I read it and thought I'd say something I have on my heart to tell you their are people up there in Heaven who are Praising our Heavenly Father for you and these ones (HALLELUIAH) go to Him often on your behalf. Praise...
  4. T

    Lonely and sad.....Need good christian friends.

    I will pray for you sister, Run to Jesus and tell Him what your telling us on this site. I Never feel alone my sister, I really don't aye. I love spending time Alone with my Lord, and I'm alone a lot, I actually guard it too. No person can help you like my Jesus can sister, And I'm not being Mr...
  5. T

    Hi Everyone, My Name Is Ray

    Hy Ray I'm also new here. God Bless and hope to chat sometime. God is So Good, Praise Jesus