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  1. N


    Hello! Judging by your picture, you're kinda underground aren't you? Don't worry about that from me -- I'm not exactly "above ground" as well. Welcome!
  2. N

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Hmmm... am I amongst my kind?
  3. N

    Hello there!

    Aw that's it? Dang I thought you were sweeter than that :sneaky:
  4. N

    Should I resent God that I was born in the Philippines?

    I'll speak as the descendant of revolutionaries, of my fathers whose blood stains our flag, our soil, and your ID. I'll speak as a son of men who fought and died for a country and never got to enjoy the freedom that was finally obtained, for they all died in battle before the Philippines was...
  5. N

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    I haven't, but I'd love to be there someday.
  6. N

    Hello there!

    I very much prefer black and red, but I like purple for the dreaminess.
  7. N

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    I love dark, dim, cold ATMOSPHERES, as well as grey clouds, silence, the mist on my face, and rocky, barren cliffs facing a raging ocean.
  8. N

    Hello there!

    Hi! You don't seem to love purple.
  9. N

    Hello there!

    NJ here, I'm interested in meeting people in the Family of Christ. Statement of Faith: Sola Scriptura Sola Fide Sola Gratia Solus Christus Soli Deo Gloria I think that's about enough :) Ask me questions if you want to know more about me. P.S. I'm not a "PG-13" Christian -- there are many...